Car Repairs That Affect Safety

Buckling up your seatbelt is not the only way to stay safe in your car. Keeping up on needed car repairs can also help to ensure you are safe when driving. Here at Craig Insurance Group, serving the greater Raleigh, NC community, we want to help drivers do all they can to stay safe out on the road.

These are the car repairs that affect safety:

Replacing Tires

Riding around on worn-out tires is a huge safety risk that you should not be taking. Often people put this off because replacing tires can be expensive. However, having a tire blow out on you unexpectedly is often much more expensive. This increases the risk of you having an accident and might also result in needing a tow. In the long run, you save money by replacing tires at the appropriate times. 

Windshield Wipers 

Windshield wipers are not often the first thing we think of when we consider necessary car repairs, but worn-out windshield wipers can create an unsafe driving situation in rainy conditions. Poor quality or worn down wipers will not clear the windshield properly, and so your visibility will be greatly impacted. This can increase the chances of you having an accident. If you start to notice wipers working less efficiently, change them out as soon as possible. 


Brakes are probably the most important aspect of your vehicle’s safety features. Brakes are a consumable part of your vehicle, though, which means that over time they need to be replaced. During an oil change, it is a good idea to have your brakes evaluated so that you know if they are in good working order. Your mechanic can advise you on when you should replace the brakes for optimum safety. 

We Can Help!

If you would like to learn about vehicle insurance, please contact us at Craig Insurance Group, serving Raleigh, NC and the surrounding areas. 

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